Eland Cables Cable Information Copper

Bare Copper Conductors

to Bare Copper Conductor Datasheets

Eland Cables supplies a range of bare copper conductors, which are ideally suited for use in electrical grounding systems and on insulators for overhead line transmission and distribution applications.

Bare Copper Conductor Applications

Our bare copper conductors are principally used in energy transmission installations to maximise thermal and electrical conductivity, and to transmit energy with optimal efficiency. This uninsulated wire can be used as an earthing cable and in lightning protection systems. The copper also offers natural resistance against environmental stresses such as wet, humid, and saline climates.

With options for Annealed Stranded Copper, or Hard-Drawn Copper (stranded), it can balance the need for flexibility in an installation design. Our Annealed Stranded Class 2 stranded bare copper wire offers greater flexibility than the stranded hard-drawn wire; whilst this in turn offers more flexibility than a solid hard-drawn copper conductor. 

The Annealed stranded bare copper wire is manufactured in accordance with EN 13602 and EN 60228, whilst the hard-drawn stranded bare copper wire is to BS7884.

Bare copper conductor technical support

Our technical engineers have vast experience of providing support with the selection of the optimum bare copper conductor. We also offer innovative logistics solutions to help improve supply chain efficiency. Please call us to discuss your specific requirements.

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Product name Part No Nominal cross-sectional area (mm²) Length (m)  
Annealed Bare Copper Stranded ConductorA2B100151.5
Annealed Bare Copper Stranded ConductorA2B100252.5
Annealed Bare Copper Stranded ConductorA2B100404
Annealed Bare Copper Stranded ConductorA2B100606
Annealed Bare Copper Stranded ConductorA2B101010
Annealed Bare Copper Stranded ConductorA2B101616
Annealed Bare Copper Stranded ConductorA2B102525
Annealed Bare Copper Stranded ConductorA2B103535
Annealed Bare Copper Stranded ConductorA2B105050
Annealed Bare Copper Stranded ConductorA2B107070
Annealed Bare Copper Stranded ConductorA2B109595
Annealed Bare Copper Stranded ConductorA2B1120120
Annealed Bare Copper Stranded ConductorA2B1150150
Annealed Bare Copper Stranded ConductorA2B1185185
Annealed Bare Copper Stranded ConductorA2B1240240
Annealed Bare Copper Stranded ConductorA2B1300300
Annealed Bare Copper Stranded ConductorA2B1400400
Annealed Bare Copper Stranded ConductorA2B1500500
Hard Drawn Bare Copper Stranded ConductorA2B1016/HD16
Hard Drawn Bare Copper Stranded ConductorA2B1025/HD25
Hard Drawn Bare Copper Stranded ConductorA2B1035/HD35
Hard Drawn Bare Copper Stranded ConductorA2B1050/HD50
Hard Drawn Bare Copper Stranded ConductorA2B1070/HD70
Hard Drawn Bare Copper Stranded ConductorA2B1095/HD95
Hard Drawn Bare Copper Stranded ConductorA2B1120/HD120
Hard Drawn Bare Copper Stranded ConductorA2B1150/HD150
Hard Drawn Bare Copper Stranded ConductorA2B1185/HD185
Hard Drawn Bare Copper Stranded ConductorA2B1240/HD240