Achieving Gold Medal status with Ecovadis

Eland Cables is delighted to announce that it has been awarded Gold Medal status by Ecovadis, the global ESG ratings platform. This places us in the top 5% of companies assessed.

The assessment looks in-depth at Labour & Human Rights, Environment, Ethics, and Sustainable Procurement criteria, requiring documented evidence across public commitments, policies, audits and results to demonstrate our capability and competence. Whilst compiling the evidence for assessment is an involved process, it provides customers and suppliers alike with an at-a-glance comparison of Eland Cables against other businesses in terms of sustainability and ESG provisions. 

Deborah Graham-Wilson, Head of Communications & ESG, commented, "To achieve Gold Medal status is a recognition of how seriously we take our commitments to sustainable operations. We sweat the small stuff as well as thinking about the big picture - and we're bringing our supply chain on the journey with us."

Well-regarded and comprehensive, Ecovadis is increasingly the platform of choice for companies across the breadth of industries that are focused both on carbon emissions reductions but also the broader criteria surrounding the United Nations Global Compact Sustainable Development Goals. Each year, the classifications become harder to achieve - continuous improvement is a must of course, but as the company is assessed against all others on the platform, so maintaining that 'Top 5%' becomes ever-harder. 

Deborah continues, "Successfully maintaining a rating like Ecovadis is a whole team effort, with actions in every department. It's made easier by the fact sustainability and ESG is interwoven into everything we do, but it's still a huge achievement - and one we're very proud of."