Confirmation of CPR Compliance

July 1st 2017 is the date on which the Construction Products Regulation has become mandatory for cables used in fixed installations in building and construction projects within Europe. Eland Cables can state that it is CPR compliant.
This date sees the culmination of almost a year of work, having worked throughout our manufacturing supply chain to be able to deliver CPR classified cables. It’s required our distribution centre systems to be reconfigured and redeveloped and all teams to be trained in the new processes. Our sales and procurement teams have been required to undergo training to ensure they are aware of the requirements and can advise both upstream and downstream on the correct procedures. Our marketing team have been busy developing content, including our animated video, that will help educate and reassure our customers; and our CPR compliance team have been on hand to answer questions great and small on the impact of the new legislation. The result, however, is an assured stance in a market that has been rocked by this wide-ranging change.
“The questions we’ve fielded have demonstrated that the average cable buyer wasn’t fully aware of the requirements of the CPR Directive when it came into force,” says Deborah Graham-Wilson, part of the CPR compliance team. “Luckily, with clear, jargon-free explanations, we’ve been able to explain the legalities and reassure our customers that they can rely on us to deliver compliant cables – for them, it’s an important tick in terms of due diligence.”
One of the key points that the CPR compliance team has been stressing is that a CPR-applicable cable can be compliant in two ways. If it was manufactured or imported into the EU on or before 30th June 2017, then it can continue to be sold and installed without reference to the Directive. These cables do not need a CPR classification, accompanying CE CPR label, or have any of the otherwise required technical documentation. It is only cables newly manufactured or newly imported from 1st July that are required to have been subject to testing by a Notified Body and state one of 7 classifications.
The CPR Directive is just one more on a list of standards and regulations that we are in compliance with, overseen and confirmed by the experts in The Cable Lab. With compliance at the heart of our Company’s ethos, we were always focused on delivering the quality cables expected by our customers.