COVID-19 Statement 27th May 2020

As a critical supplier to essential service providers, Eland Cables remains fully operational. We continue to offer some of the industry’s shortest manufacturing lead-times and to deliver cable and cable accessories from our comprehensive stockholding on a next day basis on our own transport fleet.
From the outset of the Covid-19 pandemic, the health & safety of our staff and the communities in which we operate has been our number one priority. Our safe systems of work were adapted to meet the strictest government guidelines early on and they are constantly under review through the company’s ISO45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management systems. Formal review mechanisms are in place to ensure our ongoing compliance with the latest government guidelines.
As part of our ongoing Covid-19 risk assessment, between 11 and 23 May 2020, we conducted a formal consultation involving every employee working across our offices, operations and distribution to clearly communicate the company’s health and safety policies and procedures, and to obtain valuable feedback concerning compliance and opportunities for improvement. New and returning employees are consulted on a one-to-one basis. Policies and procedures will be updated frequently and promptly in response to new developments. A copy of our Covid-19 risk assessment has been distributed to all our staff. Signage, floor/desk/bench markers, posters and various other forms of communications reinforce key instructions. Health and Safety Executive notices of compliance with relevant contact details are visibly posted across our sites. New direct reporting lines to senior management were created to report any risks or concerns.
Some of the key measures taken include:
- The majority of office staff have been set up to effectively and efficiently work remotely for the foreseeable future
- In addition to the company-wide employee consultation, anyone working across our offices, operations and distribution is subject to an individual risk assessment assessing his/her reasons to work from site, specific vulnerabilities, household members vulnerabilities, commuting arrangements and other relevant considerations
- Strict instructions to isolate in the event of relevant symptoms (individually or within the household)
- Daily temperature checks prior to accessing site
- Increased frequency of surface cleaning and restricted equipment sharing
- Social distancing, including maintaining a minimum 2m distance and reducing exposure to large groups through siloed team and shift segregation
- Easy access to handwashing facilities
- PPE to include face visors, masks and disposable gloves
- Introduction of new contactless procedures
- Restriction on all non-essential site visits and meetings (using telecommunications whenever possible)
- Clear communications: instructions and feedback
We actively support anyone who is clinically vulnerable and/or who lives with someone who is clinically vulnerable. We are committed to treat everyone equally and fairly.
Our ongoing focus on health & safety and operational resilience allow us to safely continue to provide a first-class service to all our customers.