Ecovadis Silver Medal Status Achieved

Conversations about Sustainability and Sustainable Operations are becoming ever-more commonplace for businesses around the world as they navigate the various stages of their journey to Net-Zero. The challenge is how to effectively assess the actions, practices and policies of one company over another. That’s why we’re delighted to have been certified to Silver Medal status with Ecovadis.
Business Sustainability Ratings provide a common assessment – much as a company would use credit ratings agencies to assess commercial standing. Ecovadis is a world-leading platform, interrogating all aspects of your business as it relates to ESG and Sustainability. Ecovadis’ ESG assessment – Environment, Social, and Governance – means not only the much talked about environmental practices, waste and energy management, and carbon emissions monitoring, but also corporate governance and practices related to our people, our stakeholders and supply chain, and our communities. It’s rigorous and intensive, requiring documentary evidence in support at every stage.
Silver Medal Certification puts us in the Top 25% of companies assessed – a huge achievement putting us on a par, and even sometimes ahead, with major global corporations. Achieving this certification is not the end result though – the process has helped identify areas where we can continue to improve, document, and validate with the aim of reaching ever higher in the Ecovadis assessment. These improvements will of course bring benefits to our people and feed into our wider ESG strategy.
We encourage our customers to join us in assessing themselves on Ecovadis and look forward to connecting with them and sharing our scorecard and insights on the platform.