Global Top 10 Wind Farms by Capacity

When looking at the modern world and renewable energy, wind farms will always be a hot topic across the globe. Whether it’s about innovation and progression such as Sudan’s first wind farm turbine or the ripple effect on the industry such as ‘How renewable energy jobs are creating a shift in the UK Economy.’

These are exciting times, with the ongoing development and investment into wind farms, this list is constantly changing. So, with that in mind here is the latest list of the worlds largest wind farms ranked by capacity:

No. 1. Jiuquan Wind Power Base, China

Ranked as the largest wind farm in the world, China’s Jiuquan Wind Power Base (also known as Gansu Wind Farm) has a capacity of 7,965MW and a planned installed capacity of 20MW. Comprising 7,000 wind turbines, it can produce enough energy to power a small country.

No. 2. Alta Wind Energy Center, United States

With a capacity to produce 1,548MW of power, the Alta Wind Energy Center (also known as Mojave Wind Farm), is located at Tehachapi, Kern County, in the larger California. The wind farm is expected to serve clean renewable energy to Southern California Edison (SCE) for more than 25 years.

No. 3. Muppandal Wind Farm, India

The Muppandal Wind Farm is the largest wind farm in India and has a capacity of 1,500MW. This includes numerous wind turbines across the in Kanyakumari district, Tamil Nadu. The wind farm is surrounded by barren lands, meaning that high winds are able to meet the necessary speeds for running the turbines.

No. 4. Hornsea One, United Kingdom

With a total capacity of 1,218 MW, Hornsea One is the largest offshore wind farm in the world so far. Covering 407 square kilometres it resides just off the Yorkshire coast, encompassing 174 turbines. Producing enough energy to power over a million UK households, it is part of a €7 billion ($8.7 billion) investment to change the district into a renewable energy zone.

No. 5. The Jaisalmer wind park, India

Boasting a capacity of 1,064MW, the Jaisalmer Wind Park is the second largest wind farm in the India. Developed with multiple objectives, the wind farm encompasses various types of inner wind farms to accommodate different sector requirements, these include independent power producers, utility providers and both public and private businesses.

No. 6. Western Spirit Wind Farm, United States

The Western Spirit Wind project has a capacity of 1,050 MW and is set to be the largest wind farm ever constructed in New Mexico. It comprises of four individual wind farms located in Guadalupe, Lincoln and Torrance Counties in Central New Mexico.

No. 7. Los Vientos Wind Farm, United States

Completed in August 2016, Los Vientos Wind Farm is the largest wind facility in Texas. Consisting of over 420 wind turbines it has a capacity of 912MW. Located to southern region of Starr County it supplies energy to the cities of Bryan, Garland and Greenville with the ability to power up to 120,000 US households.

No. 8. Triton Knoll, United Kingdom

With a capacity of 857MW Triton Knoll has 90 MHI Vestas v164 turbines each producing 9.52 MW. Located in the Greater Wash area of the East coast of England, the wind farm sits roughly 32 kilometres off the coast of Lincolnshire and 45 kilometres from the north Norfolk coastline.

No. 9. Shepherds Flat Wind Farm, United States

Comprising a capacity of 845MW, Shepherds Flat Winds is situated near Arlington in Eastern Oregon and is the 9th largest wind farm in the world. Covering over 70 square kilometres in Gilliam and Morrow counties.

No. 10. Jiangsu Qidong, China

Achieving full capacity grid connection on Christmas Day 2021, Jiangsu Qidong is now China’s largest offshore wind farm at 802 MW. The 134 wind turbines are located a minimum of 31 kilometres off the coast of Qidong, Nantong Province, and covers an area of 114.5 square kilometres.

No matter where in the world, wind turbines require the ability to face both mechanical environmental elements to supply energy to the grid. Whether it be a turbine power cable or a control cable each aspect is important for the continued supply of energy and avoiding downtime maintenance. but this is how the list stands currently

This list in the space of a year has seen dramatic change and in the coming years could see a further shift as we move to more sustainable sources of energy.