Working with the e-Mobility industry

e-Mobility is changing the world. Never has it been possible to go further, faster or greener.

Neil Foster, EV Specialist, says: "Mass EV adoption is a reality now. Uptake has been global, it's been rapid, and the only way really with the EV market is expansion."

But the whole infrastructure from grid to car needs focus. From Mode 1 domestic chargers to Mode 4 ultra-rapid charging, there is constant innovation in the equipment and the cables that power and control. But it also needs a robust and reliable grid network to support growth and uptake.

Neil continues, "The speed of the uptake if EV adoption means that it is not only the technical design of the product but it's out ability to supply it into markets quickly, efficiently, and to fulfill project goals."

It's essential to combine compliance and technical performance with the ability to withstand the demands of operation. 

Lab Manager Mark explains: "Out in industry cables are bent continuously many, many times so what we are trying to do here is replicate the flexing of cables on site in a controlled environment.

So if a cable is going to fail we want it to fail here and not out in the field."

Our technical and industry experts work to develop practical solutions for a fast-changing market.

David, Sales Manager, expands upon this: "When you're dealing with the team that we have here, we have best in class, we have a team full of industry experts. Once we understand what the application is, we can advise on the best cable, and the most cost-effective and quickest solution for what you're trying to do."

e-Mobility's benefits go beyond the vehicles - it's about investing in a larger eco-power system - one in which cables play a vital role.

At Eland Cables we're here to play our part in powering and connecting today... and tomorrow.