Who are the leading international standard setting bodies for electrical cables?
Standards bodies with some international standing are as follows:
CSA is the Canadian Standards Association (Canada)
UL is the Underwriters Laboratories (USA)
CEBEC Comite Electrotechnique Belge Service de la Marque (Belgium)
DEMKO Danmark Electriske materaikontrol (Denmark)
SETI Electrical Inspectorate Sakiniementie (India)
IMQ Instituto Italiano del Marchio di Qualita (Italy)
KEMA KEUR NV tot Keuring van Elektrotechnische Materialen (Netherlands)
NEMKO Norges Electriske materllkiontrollanstalten (Norway)
SEV Schweizerischen Electrotechnischen Verein (Switzerland)
VDE Verband Deutscher Elektrotechnischer (Germany)
Within the UK, the official standards body is BSI, the British Standards Institute.
Each country will have its own national standards body with many of these standards being based on a harmonised version of the international standards.
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There are two voltages that are widely used. The first is called residential voltage (single phase) and is designed to be enough to power appliances while still being safe to use. The second voltage is sometimes referred to as three-phase voltage.
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