ESG & Sustainability
We care for our employees, we're active and engaged in our local communities, and are mindful of our environmental impact. We strive to create a positive workplace that is safe and fair for all, where our responsible business practices make a positive contribution, and where we lead by example in protecting the environment and giving back to the communities we engage in.

Our Commitment to the Environment
We're committed to using renewable energy and sustainable fuels whilst maximising efficiencies in logistics and operations. We're reducing waste and recycling wherever possible, supporting our customers in doing the same. We've committed to Net Zero Goals and to managing and reducing our carbon footprint, measuring and reporting our emissions from manufacturing to delivery.

Pride in our People
We're a Real Living Wage employer and signatories to the Living Wage Foundation - we pay our people above the minimum wage. We're fair, supportive and inclusive, embracing all genders, orientations, abilities and neuro-diversities. We care about health and wellbeing, with benefits provided for all our people.

Charity & Community Engagement
We look to support our local communities, national and international causes, and the electrical industry. We share our expertise through training courses and knowledge resources for electrical engineering communities; and we support our industry through bursaries, sponsorships, and charitable engagement. We're donating, fundraising and volunteering in support of initiatives locally, nationally and internationally.

Ethical Governance
Best practice and ethical governance is key to our culture and is driven by our Board of Directors. We're committed to transparent compliance, with oversight and monitoring of policies. We select ethical suppliers by vetting and monitoring the partners we collaborate with. We strive for excellence, maintaining the highest accreditation standards and pushing for ever higher standards in our industry.

Signatories to the United Nations Global Compact
We have signed up to the United Nations Global Compact. The UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a blueprint for addressing global challenges across inequality, climate change, and environmental degradation. The UN Global Compact ensures businesses commit to establishing a more sustainable future for all.
The UN Global Compact looks at businesses to first operate responsibly, and then engage in opportunities that promote change through innovation and collaboration. They have set out 10 principles across 4 corporate areas, which Eland Cables has committed to:
- Human Rights – (1) respect and protect these rights and (2) make sure we’re not complicit in any abuses
- Labour – (3) Uphold the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining; (4) eliminate all forms of forced or compulsory labour; (5) abolish child labour; (6) eliminate discrimination in respect of employment and occupation
- Environment – (7) Support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges; (8) support greater environmental responsibility through initiatives; and (9) encourage R&D and adoption of environmentally friendly technology
- Anti-Corruption – (10) Work against all forms of corruption including extortion and bribery.
The UN Global Compact also has Good Life Goals which individuals, including us and all our stakeholders, can make efforts to embody.